Purpose of this blog

I ride an aluminum frame full suspension mongoose Domain mountainbike. I bought it on impulse at a garage sale thinking "$75 for a mongoose is a smokin deal!" I wasn't aware until afterwards that Mongoose was now selling cheap stuff at Walmart. Back in my freestyle/BMX days, Mongoose sold really good stuff. Being a thrifty guy (married with two kids in private school, and still trying to save something for retirement) I'm going to ride this bike until it breaks, or just can't keep up with my abilities.
I will either dispell the myth that these "Walmart" bikes are junk, or prove it... either way, I have no ulterior motive.
As a side note, I did ride a $120 Target Pacific mountainbike on the same kind of trails I ride this one one. It survived 2-3 years of riding 3-5 times a week, and only has a bent top ring on the front sprocket, and maybe a bent spoke or two to show for it. My wife still rides it to this day.

Me and bargain hunting

If you haven't noticed yet, I'm a bargain hunter.

It's not that I'm poor, or that I'm cheap. I just don't like debt, and like to keep my money in the bank. I'm 38, and with the economy, job lay0offs, downsizing, the stock market, etc, I don't have enough to retire when I want to anyway. So, I try to live on a budget, but yet still not do without much. I pick what's important enough to spend money on. Plasma TV? Pfft. Nah... the 20 year old one still works fine for what little TV we watch. Lates greatest computer? This 10 year old one works just fine for me. Expensive clothes? Yea right... Brand new car? Nah. It'll just get scratched up anyway...

I've got an 85 Mustang SVO, that I've restored from a $500 heap. I've bought most parts used for it, traded labour or parts for stuff I need, etc.

I go to a lot of garage sales looking for stuff I need or want, or stuff I can flip on Ebay and make a few bucks. This is my "play money" and likely the money that will fund a new higher end bike if it ever comes to that.

We go on trips when and where we want. I'm looking for a deal on a canoe so I can take the kids out and treat them to something I loved as a kid. We live in a nice historic house in a nice neighborhod, but didn't bite at the huge amounts we could've gotten approved for. It's a reasonable home that we could pay for on one of our salaries if we needed to. Even though it's furnished from garage sales, or furniture I found tossed out on the curb, and restored, people would never know it.

I won't upgrade this bike unless I find a smokin deal, or absolutely break it beyond repair. So hopefully this blog will go for a while.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Gambled with the weather, and went down to Brown County to ride today after work. Rode the Pine Loop, and the connector up to Aynes Loop. After a breather, I was thinking about riding it, but it's 3.5 miles, and the storm clouds looked pretty threatening. Decided to ride back, and live to ride another day.
The long hard uphill on the connector that about killed me was much more fun bombing down on the way back! I did bottom the front shock out a bunch, so am going to look and see if I can modify it in some way, or swap a different fork on it.
Guy in the lot at the trail head looked straight at my bike, and said something like "You're riding that on these trails?" I said "Yup. Just got back". He was suprised I didn't break anything. He was even more suprised that I'd ridden down here once before, and ridden 1/2 dozen times on other trails this year so far.
Talked to another guys who was a lot friendlier about it. Encouraged him to join up on the HMBA.org board and get in touch with me about riding together. Looked like he might be about the same speed as me.

I'm going to yank the kickstand off, and look at getting some riser bars. I seem to put too much weight on my wrists/palms. Might look into a carbon or aluminum baar and seatpost. Would like to drop a little weight off this thing at least. Didn't realize how heavy it was until I picked up a couple other guys bikes. Wow!
The upsdide is I'm getting a much bigger workout hauling the extra weight up the same hills!
Camelbak worked awesome. New helmet fit 10x better than my old Target helmet.
Just need some glasses besides my cheap sunglasses. It was too dark for them, but there were too many bugs to not have eye protection.

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